Issue 05:

“The Lost And Found Box”

The Lost and Found Box: a hodgepodge of all that we can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. Art is born from the artist’s experiences, and memories of those experiences often become jumbled in their minds – forgotten, remembered, forgotten again, then remembered differently. Within this clutter, we find razor scooters still rusted with the blood of your ankles, the musk from a tub of broken crayons, the feeling of dirt underneath nails after making the world’s most awful mud pie — tangible memories. 

We want your art inspired by the plants you keep forgetting to water, desks covered in dry paint and eraser shavings, broken guitar pedals you refuse to throw away. We want the drafts you’d like to forget, the medium you’ve just rediscovered, and the piece you’ll be proud of for a good long while. Turn in your work to The Lost and Found Box. (Located in room 522, Professor Binklebob’s office. Bottom shelf. To the left.)

ok now…

✹ ✹

P.S. Bluekeys Magazine website 2.0 coming soon........…